Mother & Child HIV Outreach

Children in the Program
In far northeast India is a community of about 30 families that have been ravaged by AIDS.

Nearly all the children have lost their fathers to AIDS.

The children in this community are themselves HIV positive.

These are the children's caregivers. In some cases the caregiver is the child's mother who is HIV positive. If the mom has died, then it is an aunt or grandmother who takes care of the child.

When we discovered this community, they were barely surviving.

They had inadequate food, little or no medical care, and children who had dropped out of school.

For about $750 a month, we are working to make sure they get proper food, medical care, and fees and supplies for school.

Community Development
The women weave beautiful fabrics in their homes. We are working to help them develop a market to sell their fabric in order to support their families.

Please join us in praying for and supporting this outreach.